Data scientist (Research Engineer PhD)


This website aims at providing some materials for published research papers and courses.

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What I do


Recently, I am senior data analyst at IRT SystemX in France. I have accomplished a PhD at Paris-Est University in France with a focus on statistical analysis of time series data. Before that, I obtained Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence at Paris Descartes University in France. For more details click on Read More button below.


My research concentrates on machine learning methods and their application on different real-world problems. I have worked on various range of methods to address the problems such as time series clustering and forecasting, adaptive change-point detection, risk analysis and representation learning. I have recently extended my research domain to physic informed machine learning approaches or in other words Hybridisation of simulation and machine learning with the objective to improve the performance of physics solvers.


In parallel to my research activity, I collaborate with academic institutions. My teaching activities concern a number of courses for bachelor and master degree students. A summary of these courses and collaborations is given in below and you can discover more details and support materials in the dedicated page.

Teaching and collaborations

The courses and collaborations

Paris Descartes

I am engaged in multiple courses, namely Data Mining, Data analysis, Statistics and Project for Master's Degree students.

Engineering school

The course entitled Probability and Statistics for third year students.


Collaboration with Laboratory GRETTIA and TS2 with a focus on Time Series modelling and transportation security administration.




I'm a big fan of sport and my main activities are road cycling and Tennis


I like lot of rock bands and paradoxically I play classic guitar and l listen Chopin and Bach most of the time.


One of my hobbies is to travel over seas and to meet different countries and cultures.

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